A Little From Leofwine - August ‘22

It’s been a while, so I thought it might be good to get the website and social media going again with a bit of a diary entry about what’s going on at the club. Hopefully it might spur a few others on to doing some similar “in the works” articles… Looming large over the list as always is Broadside. We had our most successful (best attended) show so far in June, a triumph considering circumstances surrounding physical events over the last two years! After 15 months of almost continual show organising (Rapture 2021, Broadside 2021 and 2022, Medway Gaming and Creative Festival) I was looking forward to a bit of time off until October when it starts all over again for next year… Unfortunately with the Medway show in July and wrapping up after Broadside it hasn’t really worked out that way. It’s been a less stressful couple of months, but now there are club arrangements to be made.

We have three events coming up this year, as well as the MHWC AGM to organise. Next up is the SELWG Show on Sunday October 16th at Lee Valley Sports Centre. Glad these guys got their show back on track last year, the Crystal Palace event was always one of our favourites, and the new venue suits the show perfectly. Look forward to this one growing over the next few years. In November there is a new Comics and Gaming Festival at the Detling Showground. These hybrid shows seem to be the next big thing, and people with lots of money to set them up will be making a tidy pile back from them. I think the “Gaming “ in the title refers to consoles, but we have a table to represent tabletop and it sounds like there are more there to keep us company. It’s a great opportunity to advertise Broadside to people who might not otherwise notice us! Lastly there is the always excellent Uncon making it’s return in Broadstairs over the weekend of the 19th and 20th. It’s a board games event, but we have been invited along to run some wargames, I’m thinking we can combine the two…

Organising the AGM is proving difficult. There is a distinct lack of accessible/available halls in Sittingbourne, and it seems even when I find one that getting a reply to an email or message is not guaranteed. I’m looking around on the fringes of the Milton Hundred, and while there are a few options they are still not ideal. Something will come up, but it’s annoying and time consuming until it does!

As far as actual gaming goes, we are all quite excited by the arrival of Lion Rampant 2nd Ed. Not sure how many copies made their way to the club, but I think all the LR players had one. Big thanks to Andy for distributing them, and to Tony at Brigade Models for ordering for us. Not a big difference in the rules, but there’s plenty of new and updated info in the book. Expect much Mediaeval and Dark Ages gaming in the weeks ahead. We will also be playing Charlie Don’t Surf, a set of Vietnam Rules from the Too Fat Lardies, in preparation for the SELWG game. We have played a few times now, and are working on the scenery for the river attack scenario we are using on the day.

The other big gaming news is that we are helping out with a playtest of a new World War Two system called “Company Commander” from Victrix, a tabletop game run entirely from a phone app! I’m sure traditionalists will be recoiling in horror about now, but I am all for the use of modern technology in tabletop games. It could well be the future of gaming as we know it, and at least it could be a good way of getting young people into the hobby. Reception has been very good so far amongst club members who have played it, expect more on this one soon.

Reckon that’s enough for now, hoping to make this a regular thing and to be back this time next month… Leofwine Wargamerson